Transformative Peacebuilding Workshop Empowers Moro Women in Mindanao
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- IAG Philippines
Cagayan de Oro City, 25 January 2024
Yesterday marked the commencement of a two-day Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation workshop, a collaborative initiative between the Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG) and the Philippine Muslim Women Council (PMWC). The workshop, held in Cagayan de Oro City, underscores the collective commitment to addressing the profound impact of conflicts on individuals, communities, and the Bangsamoro region.
The Philippine Muslim Women Council, a group of dedicated Moro women actively engaged in fostering peace within their communities, represents a diverse spectrum of individuals, including wives, widows, children of Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) combatants, and former women combatants.
Designed to enrich the skills, perspectives, and unique experiences of Moro women, the workshop places a special emphasis on the human and social dimensions of conflicts. The goal is to empower participants to play a crucial role in the peacebuilding process within their respective communities. The insights garnered from this workshop are anticipated to contribute significantly to a more holistic understanding of the root causes and far-reaching impacts of conflicts.
Hon. Sec. Maria Belen "Mabel" Acosta, Chairperson of the Mindanao Development Authority (MINDA), delivered a powerful keynote address, emphasizing that peace is a conitunuous effort. Secretary Acosta commended the PMWC for their unwavering dedication to working towards lasting peace in Mindanao.
The workshop is made possible through the invaluable support of Australian Aid.
Designed to enrich the skills, perspectives, & unique experiences of Moro women, the workshop places a special emphasis on the human & social dimensions of conflicts. Insights will contribute to a more holistic understanding of the root causes & far-reaching impacts of conflicts.
— IAG Philippines (@IAGorgph) January 25, 2024