IAG IN 2016: Our Year in Publications
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At IAG, we make it a point to share with the reading public expert views and analyses from our pool of resource persons and consultants, researches that ground our advocacies, and proceedings and policy reports from our forums, roundtables and conferences. Last year we've produced another set of reading materials we've added to our growing trove of publications to help the search for meaningful autonomy, good governance and inclusive development in the southern Philippines.
Federalism And Cha-Cha For Peace:
Critical Papers On Federalism And Charter Change For The Mindanao Peace Process
Autonomy & Peace Review January-June 2016 Special Issue
The compilation of papers in this book by Judge Soliman Santos, Dean Benedicto Bacani, Atty. Ishak Mastura and Dr. Ron May, attempts to shed light on the issue of autonomy and federalism as effective means to address the root causes of the Mindanao conflict. IAG, through this publication, renews its commitment to be in the forefront in shaping the regional and national discourse on autonomy and federalism that will bring about a strong, peaceful and prosperous Mindanao and the Philippines.
Autonomy & Peace Review
Focus: Militant Face of Islam
Third Quarter 2016 Issue
In time for the start of IAG’s newest research on the subject of radicalization, we compiled in one issue of Autonomy and Peace Review entitled “Focus: Militant Face of Islam” three relevant topics to shed light on the emerging security issues in the southern Philippines. In this issue, Dr. Rommel Banlaoi gives a chronological look at the Abu Sayyaf Group in an attempt to show how it has already morphed into a violent group engaged in both crime and terrorism. He says the complex and growing nexus of crime and terrorism must inform the development of any comprehensive measure against the ASG and similar groups. Dr. Eliseo Mercado Jr. meanwhile argues there is a compelling urgency for a new look at Islam, particularly its militant versions, and especially now that terrorism has become borderless, if we are to draw a coherent roadmap to address security and development issues. Finally, Prof. Abhoud Syed Lingga in a paper we’re republishing from our archives examines the factors that cause or may cause radicalization. Ultimately, it answers the question whether the Muslim community in the Philippines is radical.
Global Autonomy, Governance And Federalism (GAGF) Forum 2016
Summary Of Proceedings
IAG is proud to have initiated GAGF Forum 2016 that brought together international and local experts and stakeholders in discussing and analyzing best practices, strategies and policies in making autonomy, federalism and governance an effective and potent instrument for peace and development.
The publication of the proceedings of the GAGF Forum 2016 is the fruit of the concerted effort and aspirations of organizations and leaders to promote and understand the dynamics of political transitions, governance, security, peace and development.
The Situation Of Indigenous Children And Their Communities In Mainland ARMM
A Participatory Research
This study examines the condition of the IP children in terms of the rights of the child which covers aspects of survival encompassing health and nutrition, development, protection, and participation in decision-making and analyzes the circumstances leading to shortfalls, inequality, exploitation, and discrimination. From the findings, the study concludes that the IPs in mainland ARMM continue to suffer from deprivation of basic needs. To address their basic needs such as food, health, safe drinking water and sanitation, a holistic approach is in order.
Policy Briefs
January – February
Understanding the Resurgent Militant Islam (Dr. Eliseo R. Mercado Jr.)
March – April
Plan B: Post-BBL Non-Passage (Judge Soliman Santos Jr.)
May – June
State of Autonomy and Decentralization in the Philippines: Ripe for Charter Change? (forum proceedings)
July – August
Federalism in South Asia: Lessons for the Philippines (Rohan Edrisinha)
September – October
Autonomy and Federalism as a Solution to the Mindanao Conflict (Dean Benedicto Bacani)
November – December
Towards a Workable and Effective Structure of Autonomy and Federalism: Relations Between Autonomous Regions/Federal States and Central Governments (Prof. Yash Ghai)
Special Policy Report Series On Federalism
IAG partnered with the Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department of the House of Representatives and the Senate Economic Planning Office of the Senate of the Philippines for the conduct of a lecture series – four-part in the House and three-part in the Senate, which aims to facilitate an enhanced understanding of the idea of federalism and how it connects with various governance and development issues. The policy reports coming out of the lecture series seek to inform policymakers and hope to inspire lively and meaningful discussions on the subject.
Senate Series:
Policy Report 1
Overview of Federalism: Concepts, Types and Process of Establishment; Basis for Demarcating Boundaries for Federal States: Ups and Downs of Ethnicity, Language, or Economic Considerations as Boundary Markers
Policy Report 2
Intergovernmental Relations in Federalism: Role of Local Governments, Justice, Rule of Law and Policing in Federal Systems
Policy Report 3
Fiscal Federalism: Principles and Practice in Taxation, Equalization and Transfer Systems, and Wealth Sharing
House Series
Policy Report 1
Overview of Federalism: Concepts, Types and Process of Establishment; Basis for Demarcating Boundaries for Federal States: Ups and Downs of Ethnicity, Language, or Economic Considerations as Boundary Markers
Policy Report 2
Intergovernmental Relations and the Rule of Law in Federal Systems
Policy Report 3
Fiscal Federalism: Principles and Practice in Taxation, Equalization and Transfer Systems, and Wealth Sharing
Policy Report 4
Approaches to Accommodating Diversity in Federal Systems
Special Policy Report
Building a Coalition for Reforms Towards Inclusive Development of Mindanao Agriculture
This policy report outlines the consensus and recommendations for inclusive development of Mindanao agriculture generated during the coalition workshops in Cagayan de Oro, General Santos and Davao. The objective of the project is to support citizens building a coalition in order to demand for good governance and inclusive institutions for sustained inclusive growth in Mindanao.