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COTABATO CITY, Philippines --- Officials of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao on Wednesday night urged ARMM residents to help defuse the conflict in Sabah by refraining from posting hateful messages on social media networks.

MANILA - Moro Islamic Liberation Front peace panel chairman Mohagher Iqbal on Monday said the Sabah conflict is already affecting his group's peace negotiations with the Philippine government.

COTABATO CITY, Philippines - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will not issue any policy statement on the Sabah crisis, the group’s chief peace broker Mohagher Iqbal announced Tuesday.

COTABATO City, Philippines - Brig. Gen. Romeo Gapuz on Thursday took over the Philippine Army's 6th Infantry Division from Maj. Gen. Caesar Ronnie Ordoyo, who has been promoted as chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines' (AFP) Southern Luzon Command.

Gapuz, a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy Class 1981, is leaving the Army's 4th Infantry Division.

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